Infinite growth on a finite planet
Many things:
innequality always increased execept:
- black plague in 1300s which whiped out at least 30% of the population of Europe and Middle East
- post world wars up until 1990s
How cheap energy is
- Average person's energy consumption: 2000 kcal
- kcal in 100g of fat ~700-~800
- fuel is basically fat (hydrocarbon chains)
- this is why we had oil laps
- or why you can use cooking oil in a diesel engine
- chemically they are very similar
- 1L of gasoline means 7000 kcal enough to power 3 "mechanical" people for one day!
- how much does 1L of gasoline cost?
- that's how cheap mechanical slaves are!
It is impossible to beat the market as individual
- implies on average you will become poorer
Ana Fern's video
Social Media companies can now only extract growth through engagement as they've pretty much brought everybody on their platforms
AI for automation - with necessarily close to zero slowdown in order to figure out the implications.
- see any of Eliezer Yudkowsky's interviews including his debate with Hotz.
- or see any of Robert Miles videos