A big part of me is super-anxious about everything written here. It goes like:
- "Most of this stuff is stupid"
- "Most of this stuff is wrong"
- "Nothing here is new, it has all been covered before"
- "You'll embarass yourself"
All of those are likely true. However, that part of me (do check the link out!) is also never constructive. It points out issues without providing any solutions. Further, it's a heurisitc, an approximation. A bias. What if, its "gain" setting ended up (from various stressful or negative past experiences) too high? It's not that it is wrong and should be ignored, but what if, as a bias, it tends to be wrong more often that not?
In other words, what if the feelings of anxiety are exagerated? What if, although not unfounded, they are still wrong more often than not? Of course, this doesn't mean all fears should be ignored (eg. being afraid of live wires is probably a good thing), but it does mean you can't trust your instincts when being afraid. You can't use the "fast" thinking brain. You need to use the slow one.
- As mentioned, to condense what I consider the important ideas into at most 35000 words
- share ideas that interest me with others
- organise my mind; make it easier to remember
- reflect on how my views change with time